Grilled Cheese Sandwich With Crispy Golden-Brown Crust On The Outside



How to cook grilled cheese sandwich with crispy golden-brown crust on the outside? Many of us, kids, teens, or adult like me love Grilled Cheese Sandwiches because it is one of the delicious dishes where it's generally made with any kind of cheeses and breads.  They can serve uncooked or heated until the bread is golden crisp and the cheese is melted.  There are many different methods to cook the cheese sandwich, and here’s my version of making the perfect cheese sandwich, crispy golden-brown crust with a melted cheese center! I'm just started writing this, it gets me craving for it already, and the photos make me even crazy about it. I mean, it is so good; who wouldn’t crave for it!



6 slices of bread
3 slices of cheddar  cheese
4 tbsp unsalted butter


Grill cheese sandwich

Preheat a non stick pan over medium heat. Add 4tbsp soften unsalted butter. Build sandwiches by arranging bread, cheese and top with another slice of bread as shown in the picture. I like to trim off the edge just so it fit about the size of the cheese. However, that’s just optional. 


Lower heated to medium low (Tip: Low and slow is the way to aim for that perfect golden crisp cheese sandwich with undeniably delicious melted cheese center) until slightly brown for about 2-3 min, flip over and continue to grill for another 3-4 min until cheese is melted. Repeat the process until is done! Serve with pickle on a side or just as it is. Enjoy the Delicious Golden Grilled Cheese Sandwiches!


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