Trump Said To Free All J6 Political Hostages If Elected As 47th President.

ExplorePress J6 Committee

Trump said his first act as the 47th President of the United States is to free all January 6 hostages that were wrongfully imprisoned. Furthermore, he will close the border and bring back America Energy Independence through "Drill, Baby, Drill!"

As the leader of this great nation, Trump has made the commitment to secure the US Southern border to stop the migrants from illegally entering the United States. Trump also promised to bring back the Energy Independence to stop the inflation and create millions of jobs to get American people out of poverty. 

Recent reports obtained by "The Federalist" showed that former Rep. Liz Cheney, one of the January 6 (J6) Committee members, suppressed evidence that could prove that President Donald Trump did, in fact, push for 10,000 National Guard troops to protect the nation’s capital. President Trump had always maintained that he offered National Guard and military assistance to protect the capital leading up to the January 6th election certification; however, the J6 Committee never wants that exonerating evidence to have a chance to see daylight until now. The J6 Committee was intentionally suppressed the evidence to go after a sitting US President just showed how corrupted the Washington DC was with the ultimate goal to remove Trump from office in any way possible.

The J6 Committee knew all along that they were falsely accused President Trump and lied under Oath, which they said they never had evidence to support President Trump's claims that he authorized national guards to protect the nation’s capital. They also falsely accused President Trump, where he tried to get into physical with Secret Service agent to join protesters at the US Capitol. American people would never believe President Trump would do that. Therefore, everyone already knew the J6 made up story just to go after President Trump, which eventually proved that the J6 was lied about that event. 

The most important point about the J6 event is why the J6 Committee members would want to quickly blame President Trump for the wrong doing without doing a thorough investigation. Once they started the investigation, they suppressed the true fact because they knew Trump would not be in power after January 20 when Joe Biden became president. After that, they can just basically do whatever they want since they had controlled the Congress. As more evidence surface, it proves the point that there was coordinated corruption scheme among the Trump's haters in Washington DC to get Trump at all cost without regard of the due process and the rules of law.


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