Trump vs. Biden On The Economy. Why Young Voters Want Trump?

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Economy is the top issue in this presidential election, and most American people believe that former President Donald Trump handles the economy better than President Joe Biden. All American people can feel inflation has impacted their daily lives, ranging from grocery stores and gas pump to the high interest rate on their credit cards and mortgages.

Many middle and low income families have tightened their budget and spending behavior during the last 3 years under President Joe Biden to survive through the inflation and through one of the worst economy in US history. Although President Joe Biden tries stimulating the economy with few of the assistance programs such as expanded food stamps and the handout of the student loan relief to borrowers that qualified for the debt reduction or cancelation. In some cases, his student debt cancelation program has wiped out the debt for some borrowers entirely, but that didn't help much to the overall Americans who struggle to get by on a daily basis. 

Inflation has caused the price of gas, food, and other daily life necessities to increase at the record speed, and the worse part is that it digs deepest into everyday Americans' pocket book. With the minimum wages, ordinary citizens are unable to survive with the high inflation cost, which has put many people back into poverty. The Biden's Administration has failed on the economy, and the American people need energy independence to fight off the high inflation cost. However, during the last three years, they didn't see much improvement under President Joe Biden, and the economy is not doing any better than what all Americans were hopeful for.

The most impacted groups are the young Americans who were unable to afford the basic needs due to the inflation under President Joe Biden's leadership. Many of them can't even move out to live independently and away from their parents because they don't have the mean to survive on their own. They can't afford anything because everything was too expensive for them with the minimum wages while living on a paycheck to paycheck. 

On the other hand, former President Donald Trump created the most affordable economy for the American people where he created energy independence, lowest interest rate, high employment rate, and most importantly, everything was better during Trump's 4 years as US President.

ExplorePress Economy

President Joe Biden is up for reelection, and of course, his main challenger, former President Donald Trump, is also up to the challenge. Most Americans, especially young voters, would pick former President Donald Trump over President Joe Biden because they believe that Trump can handle the US economy better and can solve the world current situations.

Young voters want Trump because they recognize that the Bidenomics is not good for America, and it only causes inflation to continue to rise, which make their lives more difficult. America can not rely on foreign energy to provide to its citizens. America is more than capable of producing its own energy, and most importantly, it can supply the energy to the world to help people fight off the high cost. Therefore, America Energy Independence is needed more than ever before, and American people are supporting the Energy Independence and being the leader of the free world. As a result, they believe that former President Donald Trump will restore America Energy Independence, give people the power to choose what they wanted, and most importantly, Trump can bring peace to the world through the position of strength.


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