How To Fix Blog Template Errors and Remove Unwanted Label


It is exciting to create a first blog on your own for personal experience or a business experience, however, you want to ensure your blog looks as professional as it can be and without any unwanted or unnecessary items appear on your blog. 

For example, after you clicked on the search button or a label that you created for your blog post, a status message appears saying "showing post with the label your label - SHOW ALL" or some other unwanted messages that you do not want it to appear on your new blog. 

Well, I have some tips and tricks that can help resolving some of the blog template issues. Below are some common errors or unwanted stuff that I found in blog, and I hope that my tips and tricks below can help resolve your blog template issues.

How to remove Showing All Posts With Label in Blogger?
a) Go to Blogger Dashboard and click on Theme.
b) Click on Edit HTML
c) Press the CTRL + F on your keyboard to search for this ]]<>/b:skin>
d) Once found, you can write or copy and paste the this codes .status-msg-wrap {display: none !important ;} just above the tag ]]<>/b:skin>
e) Save the template and done.

Note: if it doesn't work, it could be because of your template structure, or you were using one of the themes from Contempo, Soho, Emporio,Emporia, Notable or Essential. 
If you use one of these themes, then do as follow:
a) Go to Blogger Dashboard and click on Theme.
b) Click on Edit HTML
c) Press the CTRL + F on your keyboard to search for this ]]<>/b:skin>
d) Once found, you can write or copy and paste the this codes .post-filter-message {display: none !important ;} just above the tag ]]<>/b:skin>
e) Save the template and done.


How to remove the blog header?
a) Click on the Blog Template.
b) Click Edit HTML
c) Search for (header1), and change Locked from "True" to "False". Then Save the template
d) Go to your Blog Layout, and click edit Header gadget, then click remove.
This will allow you to remove blog header.


How to remove the blog NavBar at the top of the template?
a) Go to Blog Layout.
b) Click on edit Navbar gadget at the top right.
c) Select "Off" button and click save.
This will remove the Navbar.


How to remove duplicate postid and blogid?
a) Click on the Blog Template.
b) Click Edit HTML
c) Search these two meta tags below and remove them.
<meta expr:content='data:blog.blogId' itemprop='blogId'/>
<meta expr:content='' itemprop='postId'/>
d) Save your template and done.


How to hide or remove Attribution link from blog Footer?
a) Click on the Blog Template.
b) Click Edit HTML
c) Search for ]]></b:skin> and add this code #Attribution1{display:none;} in front of ]]. This will remove the attribution from the desktop compuer. 

If you would like to make it disappear from the mobile device, then search for id='attribution1', locked='true' and type mobile='no'. This will make the attribution disappear from the mobile device.
d) Save your template and done.


How to remove subscribe to Posts (Atom) link from blog?
a) Click on the Blog Template.
b) Click Edit HTML.
c) Search the following codes and delete. It will remove the subscribe to: posts (Atom).
    <b:include data='feedlinks' name='feedlinksbody'/>
d) Search the following codes and delete. It will remove the subscribe to: posts comments (Atom).
    <b:include... data='post.feedlinks' name='feedlinksbody'/>
e) Save your template and done.

I hope you enjoy your new blog template and its new look!!! 


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Border Crisis Is The National Security Matter. Biden's Open Border Policy Created Migrant Crisis Worse.

President Joe Biden's open border policy only creates the migrant crisis worse. Only President Trump can stop the migrant crisis, and Trump has said that his first act as 47th President of the United States will be to close the border to stop the migrant's invasion of the United States. According to the data released by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), "In Fiscal Year (FY) 2023, CBP seized more than 27,000 pounds of fentanyl, compared with over 14,600 pounds in FY 2022. CBP’s fentanyl seizures have increased more than 800% since FY 2019.  This data is only about the deadly fentanyl drug that goes across the US Southern border. Human trafficking and terrorists are the worst because in September 2023, the CBP's total encounters along the southwest border in September were 269,735, and out of this group of illegal migrants try to enter the US, CBP doesn't know how many bad actors terrorists were released into the communities. According to Rep. Marjorie Ta

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