Vietnamese Spring Rolls (Goi Cuon Tom Thit) Recipes

Goi Cuon Tom Thit (Vietnamese Spring Roll)

Goi Cuon (Vietnamese Spring Roll) is one of my favorite dishes, and it is a dish that not just the Vietnamese people love, but it is the favorite of all. If you go to the Vietnamese restaurant now a day, you can see many different people order this small dish before the main dish is served. Its flavor is exceptional, and once you try the first bite, you just want to finish the rest. Especially, the spicy fish sauce that makes the spring rolls even more tasty, and when you know it, it's all gone :).

But why don't we bring this Goi Cuon dish to our home, and make it the way we want. It is a simple process, and only takes about 30-45 minutes to prepare and have it ready for the whole family. The good thing is this spring roll dish can be served not just during lunch or dinner, it can be at a party too. Believe it or not, if you have this dish at a party, your family and friends will try it the first thing before they even try any other food on the table.

Goi Cuon Ingredients:

Goi cuon

-1lb small sprimp or as much as needed.
-1lb pork belly
-Cilantro leaves
-Mint leaves
-Spicy fish sauce known as nuoc mam
-Green or red leaf lettuce
-Rice paper sheet
-Rice noodle Vermicelli
-Cold/hot water

The above ingredients are what I preferred, you can mix and match whatever ingredients you like to make it the best for you.

Vietnamese Spring Rolls

For the pork belly — You bring water to boil, and then put the pork belly in the boil water until you can poke a stick through the meat. Make sure you don't over cook the meat or else it won't taste good.

For the shrimp — Again, bring the water to boil, and then put the shrimp in the boil water. As soon as you see the shrimp turn to different color like red, take it out and put it in a small basket to let the water drift away, and to cool it down a little bit before you peel off the skin. I prefer to slide the shrimp in half that way when you roll it in with the rice paper, and it doesn't look bulky.

For noodles, this is the most tricky part. You have to pay attention when you cook it, and make sure that you don't over cook the noodles. Once it is cooked, take it out and put it in a small basket to drain the water before you roll it with the rice paper.

Sauce — Since this is home made sauce, we will make it different than the restaurant sauce, and of course, it tastes just as good as the restaurant sauce or even better!

Enjoy the Best Vietnamese Spring Rolls! 


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