Key Dates For Presidential Primaries, Caucuses, Party Nomination, and General Election in 2024!

ExplorePress Presidential Key Dates

Mark your calendar to vote — Here are the key dates for Presidential Primaries, Caucuses, Party Nomination, and General Election in 2024!

Jan. 15: Iowa Republican caucus — The first major political event in 2024, which kicks off the presidential election season. It's just completed. Former President Donald Trump Won Iowa Caucus with 51%, second place Gov. Ron DeSantis 21%, third place former Nikki Haley 19%, fourth place businessman Vivek Ramaswamy who was dropped out and endorsed Donald Trump received 7%, and the rest of candidates are less than 1%.

Jan. 23: New Hampshire primary — After the kicked off primary/caucus event in Iowa, American voters are eyeing on the Granite State primary, which could also be a turning point in the 2024 race. Any GOP candidate wins Iowa and New Hamshire will probably win the GOP nomination. Now that Trump won the Iowa Caucus in a landslide, he has the strongest momentum in the field and is considered to be the most favorable to be the GOP nominee. So if Trump wins New Hamshire like he did in Iowa Caucus, he is certainly on the right path to be the Republican Party nominee for President.

Feb. 3: South Carolina Democratic primary — President Biden won this State Primary in 2020, but due to his low approval rating, can he still win this State in 2024? It is a big question.

Feb. 6: Nevada Democratic primary — This will be the second Democrat Party contest in 2024. It may also determine the Democrat choice for Democrat Presidential nomination heading into the general election to face off the Republican nominee.

Feb. 8: Nevada Republican caucus — Another chance for GOP candidates to show case their vision for America to earn vote from voters if they can move beyond New Hampshire Primary.

Feb. 24: Republican South Carolina primary — Nikki Haley is a former governor of this State, and she is hopeful to win the State primary. if she is determined to move beyond New Hampshire and Nevada, then this will be her last chance. If she loses her own State, then it will be the end of her campaign. 

March 5: Super Tuesday — This is when a number of States to hold Primaries and Caucuses on this same date, such as California, Utah, Texas, Vermont, Oklahoma, Virginia, etc. To get to Super Tuesday, all candidates must win at least one Caucus or Primary State to be able to compete against his/her opponentso. Super Tuesday will definitely determine who will be the best choice for Party nomination for President.

Summer Party Conventions — The biggest event where the Republican and Democrat Party nominates its presidential nominee to face off each other in the general election in November. 

Key dates:

July 15-18: Republican National Convention

Aug. 19-22: Democratic National Convention

Nov. 5 - The Election Day: General Presidential election — Voters across the country will pick their President of the United States πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡².


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