Speaker Johnson Can Defund The Biden's Weaponization Of The Department Of Justice For Its Prosecutorial Misconduct Toward Former President Donald Trump!

ExplorePress Politics

Speaker Johnson has effectively leading the Republican Party to impeach the Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas, President Joe Biden's cabinet member, for his role in the US southern border crisis where millions of migrants had crossed into the US illegally. He can also use the power of the purse to defund Biden's weaponized Department of Justice (DOJ) due to its prosecutorial misconduct toward former President Donald Trump!

The Republicans in Congress under Speaker Johnson's leadership are also working to subpoena FBI Director Christopher Wray over the 40 confidential sources on President Joe Biden, Hunter Biden and James Biden. Most importantly, he will subpoena President Joe Biden on the 82,000 pages of pseudonym emails that was discovered by National Archives, which the information may tie to the then Vice President Joe Biden's involvement in his son, Hunter Biden, business dealings.

Former President Donald Trump voices his support for Rep. Mike Johnson, which eventually had propelled him to win the unanimous 220 votes from the Republican Party for the Speaker of the House of Representatives! That has shown that Trump is still the most influential leader in the Republican Party, and his support and endorsement matters!

Representative Mike Johnson is an America First Speaker and a strong defender of President Trump's two impeachment trials. As hopeful as Speaker Johnson was able to unite the entire Republican Party to unanimously voting for him to become Speaker, he would unite the Republican Party to do the same to end funding for the Biden's regime weaponized DOJ for its prosecutorial misconduct. For example, the Judge and Prosecutors from New York have handed down various charges against former President Trump with the latest of $355 million fined that many political pundits and political leaders have condemned the ruling as abusive and excessive. 

Speaker Johnson is working with his republican leaders to subpoena the J6 former Selected Committee, the Biden's Regime DOJ prosecutorial abuse of former President Donald Trump, and the FBI Director Christopher Wray over the 40 confidential sources per Senator Grassley's investigations on President Joe Biden, Hunter, and James on various criminal matters. Furthermore, Speaker Johnson Selected Committee is planning to subpoena President Joe Biden himself for his bribery and extortion schemes including the 82,000 pages of private pseudonym emails that then Vice President Joe Biden sent or received during his vice presidential tenure that the National Archives has discovered per the "report filed in a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit brought against the National Archives and Records Administration by the nonprofit public interest law firm the Southeastern Legal Foundation."

Finally, Speaker Mike Johnson is strongly supported an Article of Impeachment of President Joe Biden given the Special Counsel Robert Hur's Report claiming that President Joe Biden was "Willfully Retained" and mishandling of the classified documents.


  1. I'm all for getting rid of Biden BUT I don't want the non qualified to be VP or president Kamal Hairass as president. Her parents were not citizens of the US so how was her unqualified status ignored? BO wasn't born here yet he became president in defiance of the constitutional requirements. Nimrod Haley's parents were not citizens either. There is no provision in the constitution for anchor babies to hold the high offices. Kamal was put there so people wouldn't impeach Biden and that's the only function I see for her as VP.

    1. Well said! Kamal Hairass, INDEED!

    2. Why dosen Mike Johnson do the right thing? Shut down these illegal judges, and DAs you have the power to do, so why don’t you?MAGA🇺🇸🙏Marlena 45


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