America's Two Tiered Justice System Is On Full Display!

 ExplorePress Joe Biden Mishandling docs

Special Counsel Robert Hur says President Joe Biden "Willfully Retained" and disclosed classified material but will not recommend criminal charges against President Biden for mishandling of the classified documents. The special counsel also added a statement describing President Biden as "a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory."

This sounds funny but serious enough because that is one of the main reasons special counsel did not recommend charges against President Joe Biden. Of course, President Biden fights back, saying that his "memory is fine" and will continue on with his reelection campaign. This sound very similar to Hillary Clinton destroyed her 30 some thousand emails, and the former FBI Director James Comey did not recommend charges against Hillary for "her poor judgment" on mishandling of the emails. 

As former President Donald Trump said on his Social Media TruthSocial about the report from special counsel, which he said, "VERY UNFAIR, THIS NONSENSE MUST END!!!". Of course, under normal circumstances, if anyone Willfully retained and disclosed classified material would be charged and thrown in jail for mishandling of classified documents, but apparently, this case does not apply to President Joe Biden.

On the other hand, this similar classified documents case does apply to the opposing party, and of course, it applies to former President Donald Trump. The DOJ and FBI raided Trump's Mar-a-Lago, but they never raid Joe Biden's house for the same records situation. In fact, President Trump has the right to keep all the records he wishes under the Presidential Record Acts. Then Vice President or Senator Joe Biden does not have the same authority as President Trump, but apparently, the DOJ has been weaponized to politically charged Trump anyway. The political raids have backfired on the Democrat and have boosted a record number of GOP voters to get out and vote for President Trump re-election. Massive landslide Winning in Iowa Caucus, New Hampshire Primary, and Nevada Caucus proof that voters are well aware of the Two Tiered Justice against former President Donald Trump.


Other Conservative Media like Newsmax has pointed out the hypocrisy of the Two Tiered Justice system where people in position of power are trying to prosecute the leading political opponent, former President Donald Trump, for the same situation. If Trump were to prosecute for the mishandling of classified documents, although Trump has the authority to keep the document, then President Joe Biden should also be prosecuted for mishandling of the classified documents under the law. Therefore, American people see the ill treatments of former President Trump is political, and therefore, they will continue to support President Trump reelection campaign with 3 out of 3 States winning for President Trump so far.

Former President Donald Trump's popularity has grown exponentially, with the recent national polls showed former President Trump Won over President Joe Biden in all 5 key battleground States: Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, and Nevada. Former President Trump has a strong lead on every major national poll, and the support Trump received from the Republican voters after FBI RAID and political indictments went extremely high. A record number of Republican voters turn out for Trump during the Primaries and Caucuses are extraordinary, and it has been proven that the impeachers that attacked Trump politically have either gone or loss embarrassed to Trump backed candidates.


  1. Please proofread before posting your article! Good story, but the grammar is not up to par.


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