Political Indictments Of Donald Trump Do Not Sway Away Trump's Voters!

ExplorePress Trump's political indictments

Former President Trump continues to receive strong support among the republican voters including independent voters despite being unfairly targeted with the political indictments and lawfare against a leading political opponent, Donald Trump, in the midst of the presidential campaign by the Biden's regime, the Department of Justice (DOJ).

These political indictments do not sway away Trump's voters, but instead, they have united Trump's base even more than ever before. Trump's voters had proved their willingness to unite behind former President Trump by electing Trump as their 2024 Republican Presumptive nominee for President to face of with the anticipated Democrat Party incumbent President Joe Biden in the general election on November 5th.

Despite many legal issues that former President Trump is facing, his poll numbers keep growing and leading over President Joe Biden in all key swings states. American people can see clearly that these political indictments and lawsuits are all part of the opposing party, the Democrat Party, to get Trump in all possible ways they can. They have effectively weaponized the DOJ and the US legal justice system to go after their leading political opponent, former President Donald Trump, in an effort to stop Trump from running for president in 2024. This is pure election interference, and that is one of the main reasons why Trump's voters continue to support him and enable him to clinch the 2024 Republican nominee. 


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President Joe Biden's open border policy only creates the migrant crisis worse. Only President Trump can stop the migrant crisis, and Trump has said that his first act as 47th President of the United States will be to close the border to stop the migrant's invasion of the United States. According to the data released by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), "In Fiscal Year (FY) 2023, CBP seized more than 27,000 pounds of fentanyl, compared with over 14,600 pounds in FY 2022. CBP’s fentanyl seizures have increased more than 800% since FY 2019.  This data is only about the deadly fentanyl drug that goes across the US Southern border. Human trafficking and terrorists are the worst because in September 2023, the CBP's total encounters along the southwest border in September were 269,735, and out of this group of illegal migrants try to enter the US, CBP doesn't know how many bad actors terrorists were released into the communities. According to Rep. Marjorie Ta

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